Q: What qualifications do I need from school or previous study?

A: The answer is nothing! Everything you need to learn, we will teach you here at National Aviation Academy. You do not require any subject pre-requisites / grades / ATAR score etc.

If you are in school and looking to train with us after you graduate then it’s ideal to stick with STEM related subjects, whilst these are not as if you are good at them and enjoy the class - it will benefit you later in your aviation studies.

Q: How old do I need to be?

A: You can pick up a textbook and start reading at anytime! However, to go solo in an aircraft you must be 16 years old. We recommend that if you are still in school - to enjoy your time there, have fun and then when you are done, come and see us so you can dedicate as much time as possible to your aviation studies without the stress of highschool exams in amongst it. If you or your child is super motivated and wants to see what it’s like to fly a plane then Trial Introductory Flights are the perfect gift idea for that extra hit of motivation.

Q: Course Time frame

A: Our courses start from as little as 12 weeks. Each course page will Note that the courses are also dependent on student progression

Q: What if your course dates don’t suit me?

A: We understand that everyone's life is different and you might have work or personal commitments that could affect your study schedule. At National Aviation Academy we understand that no student's study will look the same so we would like to do whatever we can to ensure you can still get your licence or endorsement completed. Please call us so we can arrange a personalised study schedule for you.

Q: Accommodation

A: We do not look after students accommodation, whilst we may have recommendations this is up to the student to arrange. We do have a student accommodation facebook group which can help with finding a room or roommate!

Q: Should I do a TIF?

A: We strongly encourage booking in a Trial Introductory Flight. This provides an excellent opportunity to 'try out our facilities and fleet and have an in depth conversation with our instructors on creating a training plan that works for you.

Q: Tutoring/Studying

A: We offer onsite tutoring, practice exams, study areas & as much help as you require! Remember, our crew wants you to succeed just as much as you do.

Q: Onsite classes/Studying

A: We believe that studying onsite in a focused classroom environment with the support & experience of our instructors helps you get the most out of your studies. Our CPL theory course is designed to be integrated with flight training and is conducted over 4 blocks of full-time classroom study. Block 1 is a 4 week introduction to Aviation theory, which is followed by 1 week of flight training, then into Block 2 covering CPL Human Factors, Meteorology and Aircraft General Knowledge (5 weeks). Students will then undertake flight training for 5 weeks before Block 3 which covers Navigation & Operations & Performance (4 weeks). Another week of flying takes us to Block 4 covering Air Law and Aerodynamics (4 weeks). This structure gives our students the best opportunity to succeed in their studies, and the integration of flight training hours and theory helps give a real-world application to what students are learning in the classroom.

Q: Class Timetable

A: Classes run Mon-Fri 7:30am - approx 2:30pm. Subject dates can be found here.
Students who have already completed RPL or PPL theory may choose to skip the first 4 weeks of the theory course.